80 Shore Road, Waterford ~ The Loss of an Iconic Connecticut Farmhouse
Full scale demolition of the farmhouse at 80 Shore Road started on December 16, 2023. When a core building in a Historic District is demolished, one may ask, "Does anybody care about historic buildings anymore?" and also "How do we stop this from happening again?" Fortunately, the answer to the first question is a resounding, "Yes!" Many, many people cared about this iconic Connecticut farmhouse that housed the early days of the American Impressionist Painting Movement. The story in fact went viral, and not just the on-line petition. Independently, neighbors and historians posted pictures on social media and the outcry of "how do we save this?" resounded on Instagram and Facebook, in numerous groups. "How do we stop this from happening again?" is a more involved question. A Moratorium Agreement had been signed in later November of 2023 to prevent demolition before a decision making process could take place. This decision making...